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AUC0007 – ART for SALE: ‘Eros et Psyche’ – MASSOT’

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Eros et Psyche' - MASSOT
Eros & Psyché
Original print mounted on cardboard (30,5×20 cm.), signed, dated and titled on cardboard. 16,9 x12,3 cm.
d   1923
i   condition: very good
link naar dealer:
€   275,00

CONTACT for sale and more information

#   the costs of sending depend on the way of transport and destination. You pay what is on the package, not more
    tags: #jayphotforsale, auc0007, Eros et Psyche’, D.Massot, gar186

Auction House Bernaerts, Antwerp (B.Fr. 8.850,– / U.S.$ 257,50

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PFS0725 PERU – ‘Life in Pisco’

DESCRIPTION: digital photograph ‘Life in Pisco, Peru’
Part of a larger project PERU – triptych: ‘Declared Saint’
Please visit to learn more about this exciting art project.

PERU -Living in Pisco
Prints from this photograph are available at: SAATCHIART.COM

C-type on Paper.
Ships in a tube

©: Robert Schilder
tags: art project, Peru, culture, Pisco, street, woman, indigenous, native, color, photography, digital, social, pfs0725, #robertphotforsale