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GAR0245 MANUAL -‘Modern Carbon Printing’ -Louis NADEAU

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'Modern Carbon Printing' -Louis NADEAU
Now that his History and Practice of Carbon Processes (1982 ), is out of print, Luis Nadeau has completely revised and expanded the sections of his first book that related to monochrome carbon transfer processes, to create ‘Modern Carbon Printing’. This new book is the most thorough guide available on the subject. Particular emphasis has been placed on the manufacture of homemade materials, especially in regard to the selection of suitable permanent pigments, emulsion making (dispersions), and coating methods. Step-by-step instructions guide the worker through the production of what has been described as the most beautiful and most permanent of photographic processes: printing in carbon and carbro. Artistic media par excellence, these processes have been preferred for many years by photographers who want the ultimate in terms of photographic reproduction.

The Author:
Having over 12 years of full-time experience and research in the field of conservation of photographic materials, Luis Nadeau has been consulted by many well-known museums, archives, manufacturers, collectors, and photographers, in Europe and North America. His previous works, History and Practice of Carbon Processes (1982) History and Practice of Platinum Printing (1984), and History and Practice of Oil and Bromoil Printing (1985) are now used as textual and reference manuals by more than 50 American universities and other institutions in at least 30 countries. The author owns and operates the only FRESSON lab outside France and was the first to commercially produce permanent tricolor carbon prints for well-known photographers and institutions.

€   10,00

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    tags: #robertphotforsale, GAR0245, Modern Carbon Printing, Louis NADEAU
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GAR0246 BOEK ‘Gevaert Foto Handboek’- A.H.S. CRAEYBECKX

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'Gevaert Foto Handboek'- A.H.S. CRAEYBECKX

Schrijver: Craeybeckx, A.H.S.
Titel: Gevaert foto handboek. Een praktische leidraad voor al wie fotografeert
Taal: Nederlands
Uitgever: Gevaert Photo-producten
Bijzonderheden: 9e bijgewerkte druk, 456 paginas, gebonden in linnen band.
d   1954
Bij deze uitgave werd in ruime mate gebruik gemaakt van de vragen en inlichtingen die ons vanwege de lezers toekwamen. Het vierde deel, gewijd aan de kleurenfotografie, werd door mijn medewerker ]. Lauwers geheel omgewerkt. Ook het negatief-positief-procédé wordt hierin behandeld. De schrijver drukt hiermede zijn dank uit aan de collega’s en medewerkers die hem, bij de vervulling van zijn taak, met raad en daad terzijde hebben gestaan. Wij hopen dat deze druk een even gunstig onthaal te beurt zal vallen als de vorige.

€   10,00

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    tags: #robertphotforsale, GAR0246, Gevaert Foto Handboek, A.H.S. Craeybeckx
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GAR0253 BOOKS -‘Shades of Grey’, Oscar MARZAROLI

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Oscar Marzaroli Shades of Grey

GAR0253 Photography Books ‘Shades of Grey’

DESCRIPTION “SHADES OF GREY – Glasgow 1956-1987”
Photographs by Oscar Marzaroli
Words by William McIlvanney
This remarkable book marks the conjunction of two substantial talents and their shared experience which is the Glasgow of the past thirty years. While William Mcilvannev, writer, was steeping himself in the atmosphere of mid-fifties Glasgow as a student. Oscar Marzaroli, photographer, was beginning work as a freelance photojournalist in the city. One way or another. Glasgow has remained an enduring influence on both men. In ‘Shades of Grey’, each pays their particular tribute to a famous city in the process of change. Marzaroli’s photographs record not only the fabric of Glasgow old and new but also, through photo sequences, the character and the characters of the city. His view of Glasgow can bear comparison with other important photographers’ views of their favored places. No other photographer has caught the look and life of Glasgow with comparable accuracy and sympathy or produced images that we can relate to so strongly. This comprehensive collection of Marzaroli’s Glasgow photographs, selected from thousands of prints, is not just another book of photographs. It is a work that will rapidly become a permanent part of Scotland’s visual heritage. McIlvanney’s text, with its subjective impressions, complements perfectly the objective images from Marzaroli’s camera.

Oscar Marzaroli was born in Castiglione Vara, Northern Italy, in 1933 his family moved to Glasgow when he was two, settling in the Garnethill area of the city. Courses in Glasgow School of Art were interrupted by illness. After working as a photographic assistant in Glasgow he moved to Stockholm to work as a freelance photo-journalist for a few years before moving to London. Returning to .. (continued on Back Flap ..)
ISBN i 85158 047 6

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Trafalgar Square; First Edition (February 1, 1993)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1851580476
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1851580477
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.91 pounds
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 9.25 x 1 x 12.25 inches
2nd hand, cover has slightly yellowed

price € 12,50

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tags: robertphotforsale, Oscar Marzaroli Shades of Grey, GAR0253, William McIlvanney

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GAR0168 BOOKS on Photography: Tim BESSERER, Dieter KOEVE -‘Nichts wird uns trennen’

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Tim BESSERER, Dieter KOEVE -'Nichts wird uns trennen'
DESCRIPTION: ‘Nothing will separate us’ (‘Nichts wird uns trennen’) steht auf einem Amulett geschrieben, welches um den Hals eines jungen Familienvaters hangt. Die Würde und Kraft, die diese Familie ausstrahlt, steht in krassem Widerspruch zu den bestehenden Lebensmöglichkeiten.
Die in diesem Fotobuch mit Sachkenntnis zusammengetragenen Fotografien von 27 in Süd-afrika lebenden Fotografen machen in eindrucksvoller Weise deutlich, dass in diesem Teil Afrikas ein überwältigendes Potential an engagierten Fotografen arbeitet, die das Medium Fotografie als Weg zur Befreiung aus der Apartheid sehen. Dieses neue Selbstbewusstsein schlägt sich auch in der Auswahl der Gedichte aus Südafrika nieder, die die Fotos erganzen.

Autor Dieter KOEVE / Tim BESSERER

Foto Umschlag Vorderseite:
Myron PETERS. ‘Die Abstimmung ist vorbei!’ Windhoek, Namibia 1982.
Foto Seite 2 und Umschlag Ruckseite Glynn GRIFFITHS. ‘Junge Familie’. Modderdam Squatter-Camp. Kapstadt 1987

size: 159 S., 131 sw-Abb. Fotografien von 27 in Südafrika lebenden Fotografen ergänzt durch Gedichte südafrikanischer
condition neu

price in € 10.00

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© 1983 Benteli Verlag, 3011 Bern
Gestaltung Benteliteam
Satz und Druck Benteli AG, 3018 Bern Switzerland
ISBN-10: ‎ 3716504505
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-3716504505

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